Words That Make Your Customers Happier

Building a healthy, positive, long-term relationships with customers is necessary. Your customers is the key of your success after all. Keeping them happy and satisfied with your product and service quality is essential. However, it is also important to make them feel happier and valued even outside of the purchase period. That way, customers will trust your brand’s credibility even more. It can make them more loyal to you because they are happy and feel appreciated. 

Words That Make Your Customers Happier

The right words to make your customers happy

Keep in mind that building long-term relationships required two-way communication between you and your customers. It is essential to reach mutual understanding. Reaching personal relationship with customer is not easy but not impossible either. You need the right approaches to achieve the goal. Also, it is important to pay attention more to the wording you use while interacting with your customers. 

Words are powerful weapon that can wither save or kill. Choosing wrong words or phrases can make your customers distance themselves from you. Thus, make sure that you have a customer service team and support who know what words and phrases that should use to make customers happier and feel more appreciated.

Words That Make Your Customers Happier

Words that show your etiquette and sincerity

Choose wise words that show your etiquette and sincerity. It is common to face rude customers. don’t use rude or harsh words to handle them. In fact, use nice phrases that can help sooth their tension or emotional state.  You can apologize first as the introduction to appease their temper. Then, use the words to address their inconvenience such as ‘thank you for your patience’ or ‘we are sorry for the inconvenience, thank you for bearing with us’. those kind of words are more soothing which minimize the chance of further arguments.

Words that show empathy towards your customers

Choose the words that emphasize your empathy towards your customers. Also, make sure that you let them know that you understand their problems. It is wise if you repeat their problems so their no gap for misunderstanding in addressing the issue. You can use the word ‘let me make sure I understand the problems correctly. Previously you stated that….’ those kind of words can also show your attentiveness in listening to their problems. 

Words that show that you are trying

Try not to use words that indicate you give up on your customers even if you don’t know what to do anymore to clarify the issues. You can use words ‘let me find out for you’ instead of saying ‘I don’t know’. It is to reassure them that you won’t abandon them. You can explain tell them you need few minutes to consult someone in order to give better solution. If you still can’t find the right way to fix the problems, or your customer’s expectation is too unrealistic, offer them alternatives. You can use words such as ‘I can’t fix that for you, but here is what I can do to help you’.

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