Bad Sleep Habits That Leave You Feeling Older

When it comes to aging process, there are many factors that contribute to its rate. Some people may experience faster aging than others. Genetics play important role in this. However, it is reported that lifestyle can also affect someone’s aging process. Those who practice healthy lifestyle are said to have higher chance on having slower aging process. However, it needs more researches of course. 

Sleepless insomniac girl looking at alarm clock lying on a bed in the night at home

Bad sleep habits you should stop

There had been a research conducted that uncovered link between sleep pattern and self-perceptions of aging. Yes, aging is also a matter of perception. If you have already convinced yourself that your life after fifty will be going down hills, the chances are high for it to come true. So here are some of bad sleep habits that can leave you feeling older:

Lack of sleep

Poor sleep is often signed by the lack of it. It means you sleep less than  hours in a day. Most of the time, it leaves you feeling more exhausted during the day. You feel cranky, irritated, and mood swings. Lack of sleep can also affect your mindset in the matter of aging process. It makes you feel exhausted, hence, you perceive it as getting older. It can also affect your physical and mental health in general whether you like or not because lack of sleep affect how your hormone works in general. It causes so many health problems that may leave you feeling older than you are. 

Poor sleep quality

Many people may say they have enough sleep every night because they go to bed at nine and wake up at five or six in the morning. However, they are feeling fatigue, cranky, and many other discomforts. Therefore, it is essential to know that the seep itself should be in high quality. If you sleep 7 hours at night but you keep waking up due to the urge to go to the toilet, or simply being woken up by random things, it is probably the same as having lack of sleep. To avoid going to the toilet too frequent, limit your water intake before going to bed. And make sure to keep any noise or distractions away. 

Sleep and wake up late

Many people have been saying they feel significantly better to go to bed early and wake up early as well. They feel recharged and refreshed when waking up. It makes them able to focus on their task during the day and not easily get exhausted. Meanwhile, those who sleep and wake up late feel more sluggish and fatigue even though they sleep for more than 7 hours. Hence, it is highly recommended to go to bed and wake up early instead of the opposite. 

From many researches, aging is a matter of individual perceptions. However, it is possible for you to perceive more negative changes than other which can be detrimental to your future health mentally, physically, and cognitively. Poor sleep may leave you feeling older because you gain more negative perceptions. 

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